Monday, November 21, 2016

Image result for thanksgiving

     I hope you all have a  restful and enjoyable Thanksgiving break with family and friends. I am so much to be thankful for this year, one being my job. I LOVE coming to work each day, and getting the opportunity to inspire and be be inspired by your children! Thank you for all your support at home. 

We are wrapping up classifying animals. 

Writing: We are working on editing and publishing our historical event research paper. We will have more time after the holiday break to publish as well. We will celebrate on December 1st.

Math: We are working on multiplying decimals with and without models, base ten blocks.

Reading:  We are beginning our new unit on social issues. Book clubs will be assigned after Thanksgiving break. 

Social Studies: We are finishing up comparing and contrasting explorers of the New World. 

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