Monday, November 14, 2016

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Dear Families,
     It is a great time of year to reflect on how lucky we are and think about what we are thankful for. Today, your child has brought home strips of construction paper for members of your family to fill out. We are creating a chain of thankfulness for our classroom and we would love for you to join us!
      Please write one thing you are thankful for on the strip of paper with your name on the back. This is not a required assignment, but more so a fun way to involve you in our classroom.
If I don’t see you before the break, I hope you have a safe and wonderful holiday with friends and family! I personally am extremely thankful for the amazing class I have this year. Your kids make me smile every day. It truly is a joy teaching them. Thank you for your time and hope to see some links come back soon!
Mrs. Turek

This week in 5th grade...

We have reached our first goal of 100 items with our Helping Hands for Concord!! Thank you for your donations. the students can bring in a stuffed animal of their choice tomorrow. On Friday, it is a Flyer Family day, so please have your child wear their shirt to school.

Science: In our science workshop, students will be able to explain how animals are classified based on their characteristics. 

Math: Our chapter 5 test on adding and subtracting decimals will be on Wednesday. Next up, multiplying and dividing decimals!

Writing: We are working on adding text features into our research report on historical events as well as fine tuning our introductions and conclusions. We are elaborating by blending facts with our thoughts and teaching about our event like it's a story to make it more powerful to our readers. Each student should be finished with their draft and be ready to start publishing after the break.  

Reading:  We are continuing to look at reading complex nonfiction texts by comparing and contrasting what authors say and how they say it by looking at a variety of texts on the same topic. We will focus on how readers don't just think about information in a text, they also try and figure out the perspective of the author of the text and how they may be swaying you to think a certain way.

Social Studies: This week we will focus on European explorers!  

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