Monday, November 23, 2015

What is happening in room 34...

Image result for happy thanksgiving images

    I hope you all have a  restful and enjoyable Thanksgiving break with family and friends. I am so much to be thankful for this year, one being my job. I LOVE coming to work each day, and getting the opportunity to inspire and be be inspired by your children! Thank you for all your support at home. 

Image result for kingdom phylum family genus speciesScience: We are working on classifying living and nonliving things using a dichotomous key and learning Linnaeus's System of classification. 

Writing: We are working on adding text features into our writing as well as fine tuning our introductions and conclusions. Each student should be finished with their draft and be ready to start publishing after the break. 

Math: We are working on multiplying decimals with and without models, base ten blocks. 

Reading: We are continuing to look how we can write about nonfiction texts, focusing on big ideas and small details.

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11.25- 11.27 : Thanksgiving Break
12.2 - 12.5  Scholastic Book Fair
12.5 Concord Winter Festival

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Image result for thankful quotes for thanksgiving

What is happening this week in room 34.....

Science- Our weather test will be tomorrow Students can use their textbooks and study guide, the pink sheet, to help them prepare. Click HERE for the study guide! We will begin our next unit on Thursday, classifying organisms. 

Writing- This week we are drafting our research reports by organizing our research into sections, focusing on our structure, multiple points of view, and creating cohesion among each part. 

Math-  We finished adding and subtracting decimals, and now will begin chapter 6, multiplying and dividing decimals. We will have a test over chapter 5 and 6 on December 15th. 

Reading- We are continuing to focus on reading complex nonfiction with lessons on approaching texts as experts, writing about reading in nonfiction, lifting the level of questions to drive research forward, and synthesizing across subtopics. Students are reading both nonfiction and fiction during independent reading time. Many of them are spending the time researching more our their research reports. They are becoming quite the expert on their topics!

Social Studies- This week we are studying Europeans arriving in the Americas and the conquest of the Americas. 

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PTG Meeting in Library, November 17th
Please join us at 7:00 p.m. for general information about all the exciting events being offered by our PTG and to learn about all of the exciting lessons going on in our library Makerspace.   You will not want to miss this event.  Students will be leading sessions on Osmo, legos, coding, and snap circuits.

Early Release, dismissal at 1:40
Science Test over weather

Giving Tree 2015 Our giving tree is a wonderful opportunity for you to provide clothing, toys, gifts, and gift cards specific to our Helping Hands families.  Click this link to our digital Giving tree learn more.  There are still lots of spots available.

This week: Hands Week 3: Cleaning Products Families, you are doing an amazing job of supporting our Helping Hands project.  Please bring in items such as bleach, window cleaner, laundry detergent, dryer sheets, sponges, disinfecting wipes, etc.  Thank you!

Next few weeks: Winter Festival: Teacher Raffle
Here is the document for the exciting teacher raffle.  Feel free to download and print additional tickets to win lunch with a Concord Staff member.

11.23: Acacdemic All Stars 6:00-7:00

11.25-27 : No School, Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Math Homework

What is happening in room 34...11.9 - 11.13

What's happening this week in room 34....

We will be honoring all of our veterans this Wednesday at our assembly, and then a reception immediately following. Please let any veteran you know, we wold love to celebrate them at 9:00, on November 11th.

Science: We will focus on the different climate zones and what are their specific characteristics. The study guide for chapter 7 will go home today. The test will be next Wednesday, November 18th.

Writing: We are starting our second nonfiction piece. Each student will pick an event in history to research and study, and write a nonfiction informative paper. We will begin looking at primary sources and learning the appropriate way to take notes from various resources.

Math: We begun on chapter on adding and subtracting decimals.

Social Studies: We are studying the Age of Exploration around the world, from Africa to Asia to the New World.

Reading: Our focus is to writing about nonfiction resources. The students will learn how researchers can learn from a variety of sources-videos, observations, interviews, as well as nonfiction texts. They will learn that researchers conduct primary research to learn about a topic to discovers patterns, and determine the main idea.

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11.11: Veteran's Day Assembly @ 9:00 am, wear red, white, and blue
This week 
2: Paper products.  We are so proud of all the amazing donations that students have already sent in.  This week we will be collecting paper products such as toilet paper, napkins, paper towels, plates, etc.  Keep up the great work!
DOC's Mom's Night Out is happening on Friday, November 13th 6-9PM! Only $5/child. Register here:
Spirit Wear Deadline 11.13: Concord Spirit Wear November 2015 Order Form   Please submit form and make payment by PayPal or by sending money to school.  DEADLINE TO ORDER IS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH. Orders that have not received payment, will not be filled. You should expect to have items come home by the week of December 14th. All orders will be delivered before the holiday break.
11.18: Science Test Chapter 7