Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Today we are doing ratios and a math sheet all math sheets are due fri lit groups are on fri to.We learned tech about Samon and it was cool.we had dare and had fun.In science today we shared our brochures about planets prism is due Thursday.Cold read and assignment 6 is due fri and we went to library.

Monday, February 11, 2013


Today your kids learned ratio in math and then they did stations with 100% math! In science their planet brochure was due and their PRISM project on Thursday. In social studies they worked on posters. In reading we are still working on poems and they are learning how to understand poems. In writing they a picking a nonfiction story to publish. Don't forget Wednesday we all have early release. And last we have our v-day celebration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Today we reviewed for our math test that's tomorrow. Our test is over chapter 24, 25, and 26. We have our planet brochures now do Monday. We really enjoyed our DARE class today too!