Monday, December 19, 2016

Image result for wishing you happy holidays and happy new year

This week in room 34......

Happy two day week!!! I  want wish you, and your family a very happy holiday, and a restful, relaxing break. I will see you next year! 

We are working on wrapping up our Helping Hands Genius Hour projects. We will present tomorrow. I am more than happy to transport any of the items they made over the break. Thank you for all the help making this project come to life.

We are excited to try out some new problem solving online puzzles. The link that we are using is  posted on the blog, it is similar to the Escape the room. Students have to crack the riddles to figure out codes to unlock the puzzle. codes   

Today, we are publishing our memoirs, and will share and celebrate tomorrow. 

Tomorrow will be our Winter Holiday party, here is the link again if needed.

Breakout EDU

Monday, December 12, 2016

Image result for spreading cheer christmas quotes

Happy last full week of school! This week we will truly get to spread cheer to others by caroling at three different retirement centers on Wednesday. The students should wear their Concord Family Team shirt and may wear a holiday hat too. 

Thank you sooo much for all those who voted for our classroom door! We won first place! I was so proud of the teamwork our class put forth to create such a beautiful display!

Science: During Science we are working on our Helping Hands genius hour project. I am truly amazed with the clever ideas and the different organizations are class is researching. We will present these projects next Tuesday, the 20th. 

Math: We will review today and tomorrow, and the test on Chapter 6, multiplying and dividing decimals, will be this Wednesday.  Please click here for the study guide. The students received this today, and we will go over answers tomorrow. We will then move onto coordinate grids and expressions. 

  • Ch. 6 Multiply & Divide Decimals
    • Pages 373- 466
    • Review Test pg. 467-469
    • Ch. 6 Reflection pg. 470
  • Old homework assignments
  • ***Use Online Text (which includes videos and games!) to Review Too!***

    • Directions on how to get into our online math book:  
    • Go to Connect Ed
    • Username: 24firstnamelastname
    • Password: flyers2016

Writing: We are continuing  to draft, and then revise our memoirs. We are focusing on using figurative language to paint a picture in your audience mind, and using our external timeline to affect the central characters feelings.

Reading: We are focusing on social issues as we bring our reading lenses to the world and make our thinking more complex. 
Bringing Our Reading Lenses to the World-- And Making Our Thinking More Complex

Friday, December 9, 2016

Genius Hour with a "Helping Hands" Twist!

Yesterday, students were introduced to our new Genius Hour project! We will be working on this in class during our science and social studies time for the remainder of 2016! 

Monday, December 5, 2016

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Thank you everyone who has already contributed to our Helping Hands. This will be the last week to bring in items for Helping Hands!

Please wear Flyer Family T-shirts on Wednesday (Early Release)! 

Check out Concord's Holiday Door Decorating Contest on Facebook--- Click HERE!

Check your email about our Caroling Field Trip coming up on Wed. Dec. 14th! PERMISSION SLIPS ARE GOING HOME Tomorrow- Please return my Monday! Thank you!

Science: We will review today and tomorrow for our chapter three test on Wednesday. The study guide went home last Friday, and is posted on the Blog.

Math: We are estimating quotients, dividing decimals by whole numbers and decimals, and dividing by powers of 10. We will be reviewing chapter 6 on Friday and Monday. Our ch. 6 test will be next Wed. Dec. 14th. We will work on a study guide in class later this week.

Writing: We are beginning an exciting and challenging unit on memoirs! A memoir is a hybrid kind of writing, including elements of both personal narrative and personal essay. 

Reading: We are continuing to study social issues within our book club books.  Students should be reading their assigned book club book in school and at home. We are diving deeper how characters react to different parts of a scene and how secondary characters impact the scene as well.

Math Homework

Friday, December 2, 2016

Math Homework

Classifying Organisms- Ch. 3 Test Next Wed!

Ch. 3 Science Study Guide

Lesson 1- Classifying Living Things pg. 90-95
  • Vocabulary: classify, kingdom, phylum, species, classification system, dichotomous key
  • Be able to list all of the levels of a classification system (K,P,C,O,F,G,S) and explain how the levels differ
  • Explain the differences between the 4 main kingdoms (protists, fungi, plants, animals)
  • Draw a dichotomous key
  • Explain how dichotomous key can be used and its purpose

Lesson 2- Classify Animals  pg. 96-101
  • Vocabulary: vertebrate, invertebrate
  • Be able to describe the similarities and differences of the 5 classes of vertebrates (fish, amphibians, birds, mammals, reptiles)
  • Recognize types of invertebrates (giant squids, mollusks, worms, arthropods)

Lesson 3- Classify Plants pg. 102-105
  • Vocabulary: vascular, nonvascular
  • Know the two main characteristics used to classify plants (vascular/nonvascular, how they reproduce)
  • Be able to compare and contrast mosses, ferns, conifers, and flowering plants

What else can I use to study?

  • Ch. 3 study guide on pg. 113
  • Ch. 3 Chapter Review pg. 114-115
  • Ch. 3 Benchmark Practice pg. 116

Monday, November 28, 2016

To kick off the month of December, we will be focusing on Random Acts of Kindness. Our class is excited and ready to spread joy! We hope it spills out of our  classroom, down the halls, and out into our community! 

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break! What a wonderful time to relax and gather with friends and family.

Here is what is happening in room 34 this week....

Science: We are learning how plants are classified based on their characteristics. 

Math: We are working on multiplying decimals with and without visual models, multiplying decimals by powers of 10, problem solving by looking at patterns, and multiplication properties.

Writing: We are publishing our final historical nonfiction writing piece and will celebrate this Thursday. We will then move onto our unit on Memoirs.

Reading: We are excited to start a new unit on social issues within book clubs! We will be reading through the lens of identifying and interpreting the author's and our own view on social issues. We will learn that reading for social issues can help you better understand and empathize with people in books, movies, and the world!

Social Studies: We are wrapping up on study of early explores and will present our projects today and tomorrow. We then begin studying the Lost Colony of Roanoke and the settlement of Jamestown.

This Friday will be WACKY HAIR DAY, bring a dollar in for our Concord Helping Hands.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Math Homework
Image result for thanksgiving

     I hope you all have a  restful and enjoyable Thanksgiving break with family and friends. I am so much to be thankful for this year, one being my job. I LOVE coming to work each day, and getting the opportunity to inspire and be be inspired by your children! Thank you for all your support at home. 

We are wrapping up classifying animals. 

Writing: We are working on editing and publishing our historical event research paper. We will have more time after the holiday break to publish as well. We will celebrate on December 1st.

Math: We are working on multiplying decimals with and without models, base ten blocks.

Reading:  We are beginning our new unit on social issues. Book clubs will be assigned after Thanksgiving break. 

Social Studies: We are finishing up comparing and contrasting explorers of the New World. 

Friday, November 18, 2016

Mrs. Turek's Fifth Grade Facebook

Be sure to click on our Facebook page and check our our #mannequinchallenge, celebrating the end of our reading unit on researching our historical events.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Image result for thankful image

Dear Families,
     It is a great time of year to reflect on how lucky we are and think about what we are thankful for. Today, your child has brought home strips of construction paper for members of your family to fill out. We are creating a chain of thankfulness for our classroom and we would love for you to join us!
      Please write one thing you are thankful for on the strip of paper with your name on the back. This is not a required assignment, but more so a fun way to involve you in our classroom.
If I don’t see you before the break, I hope you have a safe and wonderful holiday with friends and family! I personally am extremely thankful for the amazing class I have this year. Your kids make me smile every day. It truly is a joy teaching them. Thank you for your time and hope to see some links come back soon!
Mrs. Turek

This week in 5th grade...

We have reached our first goal of 100 items with our Helping Hands for Concord!! Thank you for your donations. the students can bring in a stuffed animal of their choice tomorrow. On Friday, it is a Flyer Family day, so please have your child wear their shirt to school.

Science: In our science workshop, students will be able to explain how animals are classified based on their characteristics. 

Math: Our chapter 5 test on adding and subtracting decimals will be on Wednesday. Next up, multiplying and dividing decimals!

Writing: We are working on adding text features into our research report on historical events as well as fine tuning our introductions and conclusions. We are elaborating by blending facts with our thoughts and teaching about our event like it's a story to make it more powerful to our readers. Each student should be finished with their draft and be ready to start publishing after the break.  

Reading:  We are continuing to look at reading complex nonfiction texts by comparing and contrasting what authors say and how they say it by looking at a variety of texts on the same topic. We will focus on how readers don't just think about information in a text, they also try and figure out the perspective of the author of the text and how they may be swaying you to think a certain way.

Social Studies: This week we will focus on European explorers!  

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Math Homework

I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful 4 day break! 

What's happening this week in room 34....

We will be honoring all of our veterans this Friday at our assembly, and then a reception immediately following. Please let any veteran you know, we wold love to celebrate them at 9:00, on November 11th.

       Science: We are working on classifying living and nonliving things using a dichotomous key and learning Linnaeus's System of classification. 

Writing- This week we are drafting our research reports by organizing our research into sections, focusing on our structure, multiple points of view, and creating cohesion among each part. 

Math-  We will be  adding and subtracting decimals, using base ten blocks and models. We will also be reviewing addition properties. 

Reading- We are continuing to focus on reading complex nonfiction with lessons on approaching texts as experts, writing about reading in nonfiction, lifting the level of questions to drive research forward, and synthesizing across subtopics. Students are reading both nonfiction and fiction during independent reading time. Many of them are spending the time researching more our their research reports. They are becoming quite the expert on their topics!

Social Studies- This week we are studying Europeans arriving in the Americas and the conquest of the Americas. 

11.11: Veteran's Day Assembly @ 9:00 am, wear red, white, and blue
This week 
2: Paper products.  We are so proud of all the amazing donations that students have already sent in.  This week we will be collecting paper products such as toilet paper, napkins, paper towels, plates, etc.  Keep up the great work!
11.11 : Mom's Night out is  November 11th in Concord's Gym. 6-9 Featuring the Movie E.T.
The cost is $5.00 per child. Please pay cash at drop off. To get an approximate head count, we ask you to register ahead of time on the Dads of Concord website -  

Monday, October 31, 2016

Monday, October 31, 2016

Image result for happy halloween

This is what is happening in room 34...

Science: Our weather test will be Wednesday Students can use their textbooks and study guide,  to help them prepare. Click HERE for the study guide! We will begin our next unit on Thursday, classifying organisms. 

Writing: We are starting our second nonfiction piece. Each student will pick an event in history to research and study, and write a nonfiction informative paper. We will begin looking at primary sources and learning the appropriate way to take notes from various resources.

Math: We begun on chapter on adding and subtracting decimals.

Reading: Our focus is to writing about nonfiction resources. The students will learn how researchers can learn from a variety of sources-videos, observations, interviews, as well as nonfiction texts. They will learn that researchers conduct primary research to learn about a topic to discovers patterns, and determine the main idea.

Events Coming UP!!!

Helping Hands Campaign:  This week we begin our Helping Hands Campaign! This project helps families that need a little bit of a helping hand over the holiday season. So, we are going to help them out by collecting things such as food, laundry detergent, shampoo, toothpaste, and yes, even toilet paper.  

Each week, we will show you examples of the kinds of things you should bring that week to donate.  Friday, November 4th is Jingles for Jammies! You get to wear your favorite pajamas to school and all we ask as that you bring in some spare change for our Helping Hands families.   Information will go home in your backpacks soon, so make sure you talk with your parents first before bringing items to school.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Image result for parent teacher conference

 Looking forward to student led conferences today and Wednesday. Your child will lead the first 5-7 minutes and we will have the remaining time.  

Science: We are completing our unit on weather. Our test over chapter 7 will be next Wednesday Nov. 2nd. Please click here for the study guide. 

Math- This week we will finish our last lesson of this unit on problem solving by solving simpler problems within a complex multi-step problem. Our test on division will be this Thursday. It will cover chapters 3 and 4 of our textbook (dividing by 1- and 2-digit divisors). Don't forget about the online math textbook! There is a link for students in the math tab of this blog. 

Writing: We are finish our first nonfiction  research piece on a American Revolution topic. They will work on publishing this week, and we will celebrate our finished piece  on Thursday.

Reading- We will continue to focus on reading complex nonfiction texts as we think about a text's structure and summarizing.

Social Studies- We are integrating Social Studies content within our reading/writing units as we celebrate and learn more about the American Revolution from our research reports! Our next writing unit, students will choose a historical event to research and teach others about.

Please turn in Pumpkin Run permission slips this week- thank you!

YOLO-Red Ribbon Celebration is THIS Week!
Each day will be a spirit day for red ribbon week.  Here is a schedule for the week:

Monday 10.24-Give drugs the “boot”-Everyone wears boots
Tuesday 10.25-Dress in Red
Wednesday 10.26-Dress Like your Favorite Character
Thursday 10.27-Put a Lid on Drugs-Everyone wears a hat
Friday 10.28-Wacky hair day

Next Monday will be our fall festival celebration. Please see the graphic below for timeline of event.