Monday, August 21, 2017

Here is what is happening in room 34 this week, August 21st- 25th! 

WHAT AN AMAZING DAY!!! We spent the entire day learning about the Solar Eclipse, and then were able to share this once in a lifetime event together as a class. Thank you to the volunteers who were able to come make this day even more special. 

Welcome to our first full week of school!! I am eager to get this school year started. Our first two days were fantastic, we spent a lot of time organizing our supplies, getting to know each other, and discussing our individual and class mission statements. Please fill out the parent survey to help me know a little bit more about your child- Parent Survey

As a reminder, at Lindbergh students are allowed to bring in their own devices to school (i.e.- kindles, iPads, tablets, etc.) and use for educational purposes during the school day. We love using technology in our classroom and the more devices, the better! Make sure your student knows how to download apps.

     This week will continue to build our classroom community. Each student will apply for a job and get "hired" by me. They will be the leader of their position for two weeks, and then apply for a new job. I look forward to see how this group of amazing students take on the role of being LEADERS in and out of the classroom this school year.  I am sure they will be excellent roles models for all of Concord.

 Here is what to expect this week in room 34:

Science: We will begin setting up our science notebook, and will explore  the tools and important terminology we will be using  throughout our science investigations and activities this year.

Writing: We will begin walking through the expectations of writer's workshop and begin building our writing stamina. Ready or not, we will be writing a LOT this year. We will also be generating many ideas we can put into our notebooks.

Reading: We will be going over reader's workshop and the importance of picking a good fit book. We will begin building our independent reading stamina, and I will begin conferencing with each student about their book and how to ignite their love for reading.  In fifth grade we stress the importance of REAL reading verse FAKE reading. We want to teach our students to think while they read in order to become better readers!

Math; We will be learning the expectations during math workshop, through exploring math stations.
We will also begin our first unit on place value this week.  ***Students will need a computer or device with Internet access for their nightly math homework (beginning Friday ). They will either log in to their Google account to access their homework through the Google classroom or they can use the Google classroom app. I will also send out the option for parents to access their student's Google classroom as well (should be sent via email later this week). Students will show their work in their math notebooks, and be encouraged to bring home their math textbooks for extra help. 

Social Studies; We will begin next week.

I cannot wait to talk more with you about our classroom on Curriculum Night! Please mark your calendars and plan to attend on Thurs., Aug. 31 from 7-7:30 in our room.
Have a WONDERFUL week!!!

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