Monday, October 31, 2016

Monday, October 31, 2016

Image result for happy halloween

This is what is happening in room 34...

Science: Our weather test will be Wednesday Students can use their textbooks and study guide,  to help them prepare. Click HERE for the study guide! We will begin our next unit on Thursday, classifying organisms. 

Writing: We are starting our second nonfiction piece. Each student will pick an event in history to research and study, and write a nonfiction informative paper. We will begin looking at primary sources and learning the appropriate way to take notes from various resources.

Math: We begun on chapter on adding and subtracting decimals.

Reading: Our focus is to writing about nonfiction resources. The students will learn how researchers can learn from a variety of sources-videos, observations, interviews, as well as nonfiction texts. They will learn that researchers conduct primary research to learn about a topic to discovers patterns, and determine the main idea.

Events Coming UP!!!

Helping Hands Campaign:  This week we begin our Helping Hands Campaign! This project helps families that need a little bit of a helping hand over the holiday season. So, we are going to help them out by collecting things such as food, laundry detergent, shampoo, toothpaste, and yes, even toilet paper.  

Each week, we will show you examples of the kinds of things you should bring that week to donate.  Friday, November 4th is Jingles for Jammies! You get to wear your favorite pajamas to school and all we ask as that you bring in some spare change for our Helping Hands families.   Information will go home in your backpacks soon, so make sure you talk with your parents first before bringing items to school.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Image result for parent teacher conference

 Looking forward to student led conferences today and Wednesday. Your child will lead the first 5-7 minutes and we will have the remaining time.  

Science: We are completing our unit on weather. Our test over chapter 7 will be next Wednesday Nov. 2nd. Please click here for the study guide. 

Math- This week we will finish our last lesson of this unit on problem solving by solving simpler problems within a complex multi-step problem. Our test on division will be this Thursday. It will cover chapters 3 and 4 of our textbook (dividing by 1- and 2-digit divisors). Don't forget about the online math textbook! There is a link for students in the math tab of this blog. 

Writing: We are finish our first nonfiction  research piece on a American Revolution topic. They will work on publishing this week, and we will celebrate our finished piece  on Thursday.

Reading- We will continue to focus on reading complex nonfiction texts as we think about a text's structure and summarizing.

Social Studies- We are integrating Social Studies content within our reading/writing units as we celebrate and learn more about the American Revolution from our research reports! Our next writing unit, students will choose a historical event to research and teach others about.

Please turn in Pumpkin Run permission slips this week- thank you!

YOLO-Red Ribbon Celebration is THIS Week!
Each day will be a spirit day for red ribbon week.  Here is a schedule for the week:

Monday 10.24-Give drugs the “boot”-Everyone wears boots
Tuesday 10.25-Dress in Red
Wednesday 10.26-Dress Like your Favorite Character
Thursday 10.27-Put a Lid on Drugs-Everyone wears a hat
Friday 10.28-Wacky hair day

Next Monday will be our fall festival celebration. Please see the graphic below for timeline of event.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Image result for positive thinking

This week in 5th grade...

Science- We will focus on lesson 4 within our chapter on weather (ch. 7 in textbook) as we answer the question-- How do clouds and precipitation form? 

Writing- We are working hard on our research reports on our American Revolution event. We are focusing on writing as historians do with geography and timelines in mind. We are also making sure we are including our thoughts and ideas in addition to the facts we have learned through our research!

Reading- We are learning how nonfiction texts are getting more complex as we are moving up in reading levels- the main ideas are implicit and the vocabulary is more difficult. We are learning strategies to overcome these challenges!

Math- We are dividing this week by 2-digit divisors (chapter 4). Our chapter 3/4 test will be next Thursday, Oct. 27. 
Our first ALEKS pie party will be this Thursday! If your 5th grader completed their 1st quarter goal, they will be invited to a lunch with pizza/dessert. Please bring in a dollar or 2 to help with the cost- thank you!

*Early Release is THIS Wed.! Dismissal will begin at 1:35.

*Student-Led Fall Conferences are next week- Mon. Oct. 24 & Wed. Oct. 26

*Check out the schedule at the bottom of this post for our Fall Festival/Halloween schedule!

Math Homework

Monday, October 10, 2016

Image result for finish strong

We are in our last week of the first quarter!! Reminder,  Friday is a half day.  There will be no lunch served and students will get out at 11:50. 

Here is what is happening this week in room 34.....

Science: We are learning about the different instruments scientists used to collect data about the weather. We are also focusing on what causes the weather.

Writing: We are beginning our new unit on informational writing. Our first research topic will be on an event from the American Revolution. Each student will pick a topic and be placed into research teams to start gathering information about their event . We will be working on taking notes, organizing the notes, and then drafting their paper. 

Reading: We are beginning a new unit on reading nonfiction and tackling increasingly complex texts with a focus on determining main ideas. Each student is encouraged to keep reading their choice book, but also to try a nonfiction text, article, magazine, or book too:)

 Math: We are solving division problems with zeros in the quotient, interpreting the remainder and determining extra or missing information within problem solving. Each student at the beginning of the quarter set a Aleks goal that they were going to reach by this Friday. Please ask your child how they are doing on  reaching their goal? If they reach their goal we will celebrate next week with an Aleks Pie Party. Your child will be asked to bring in a dollar or two and we will order pizza and provide a dessert for their lunch that day!! 

Social Studies- Students did  an amazing ob teaching others about different Native American tribes last week! We are integrating Social Studies content within our reading/writing units as we research and learn more about the American Revolution!

This Thursday is our first field trip to Cahokia Mounds. If you have not returned the permission slip, please do. We will leave at 10:00 and return by 2:00. Your child will need to bring their lunch this day. Thank you for all the volunteer who are joining us. Please note there is no room on the bus for parents , so you must drive yourself.

Math Homework

Monday, October 3, 2016

Math Homework

Hello parents! 
As another component of our "Leader in Me" initiative here at Concord, the 5th grade teachers would like to give the opportunity for students to lead their conferences. 
We are proposing that your student lead the first 5-7 minutes of your conference time where they will report to you their achievements and progress so far this year. For the rest of your conference time, your student will be dismissed to the hallway, so you may have the opportunity to voice any questions or concerns.
We really feel this is a fantastic way for your child to take ownership of their learning and prepare them for student-led conferences that are being held at the middle schools. Please let me know if you have any questions or if your child will be unable to attend. Thanks! 
Please be on the lookout later this week, for a letter reminding you of your conference time or a letter to sign up for a conference time. Conference dates are October 24th and 26th. 

Here is what is happening this week in room 34... 

Science:  We started new science stations with a focus on the ocean is a major reservoir in the Earth's water cycle. Students are engaged in science stations as they learn the material through technology (online textbook and, guided reading lessons with the teacher, and other hands-on projects. By the end of each cycle, students are expected to show their learning and understanding of the material with a lesson quiz.

Writing:    We will wrap up our narrative unit with an on-demand assessment and will begin to research for our first historical research report! Our focus will be on an event relating to the American Revolution.  Later in the unit, our second research report will be on a historical event of students' choice.

Reading:  We are beginning a new unit on text complexity, looking at nonfiction.  We will begin a new read a loud, titled Chains, by Laurie Halse Anderson. Chains is the first novel in the Seeds of America trilogy, a series of historical novel that follows the story of thirteen-year-old Isabel, an African-American slave fighting for her and her younger sister's freedom while the Revolutionary War is occurring.  We will continue to delve into literary analysis, and applying all of our interpretive thinking into our book club discussions and guided reading lessons with the teacher.  We are wrapping up our second literature book club and  we will celebrate our amazing book club work at the end of the week!
Math: We are continuing our unit on division as we show our complete understanding of the process through models, distributive property, partial quotients, and the standard long division algorithm. 

***It is SO IMPORTANT that students know their basic multiplication and division math facts! It is becoming increasingly difficult for those students who do not know their facts to complete the higher level thinking and problem solving that 5th graders are expected to do. Thank you for taking the extra steps to make sure your 5th grader is working towards mastery of these facts!  Math Magician is a great website to practice math facts. Students can also work on their QuickTables in ALEKS.

Social Studies:  We are focusing on a various native american cultures from early settlements-  peoples of the Northwest, Southwest, Plains, and East.  We will wrap  up our work with Native Americans with  a student choice project. Students will choose a tribe and a way of presenting their knowledge (Google slides, create a Kahoot, prezi, video, etc.) We will begin presentations on Friday!