Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Monday, September 28, 2015
This week in 34!! 9.28-10.2

This week in room 34!! 9.28-10.2
I hope you all enjoyed your four day weekend!! I can not believe October is creeping up, time flies when you are having fun! As we are getting more in depth with our curriculum, this is a reminder if at any time homework is overwhelming or your child needs extra support on a topic, please email me and let me know. Also, your child should never do more than an hour of homework, if this occurs please stop your child and email me what they did not finish and we will work on it at school. I completely understand the busy life of a 5th grader!
Science- We are wrapping up our unit on scientific investigations with a test on Thursday! Students should study their science notebooks and study guides (we will go over these in class on Tuesday). Students can also use this link to study the vocabulary words---Scientific Investigations Quizlet We will begin our next unit on weather this Friday!
Test Information: Please use the study guide, science notebook,
and Ch.1 in the science book to review. We did not cover all of Ch. 1 in the book though so I strongly advise you to stick with the notebooks and study guide for review. The test covers the following topics:
- science tools
- types of observations
- testable questions
- hypothesis
- variables
- how to perform a fair test
- steps of an investigation (scientific method) in order
Writing- Today, we began more work on our 2nd personal narrative. As we draft and revise our narratives this week we will focus on stretching out the tension, catching the action or the image that produced emotion, and noticing how each character has an important role in our stories. We are learning that we become better writers by working hard to apply what we learn in mini-lessons to our own writing!
Reading- This week we are continuing to work on having meaningful and thoughtful discussions within our book clubs. All of our book clubs have finished theirfirst book and starting a 2nd one! Students are expected to be reading up to their group's stopping point each day so they are prepared to be an important contributor within their book club discussions. This week we are:
- debating to promote rich book club discussions
- reflecting on ourselves as books clubs
- comparing more than one text
- rethinking our themes to allow for more complexity
- comparing characters' connections to a theme
Math- We are completing our unit on multiplying whole numbers and will have our test on Friday. The study guide (due Thursday) is the review in their books- pgs. 147-148, #10-25 ODDS. They will be working on this in class. We will review for the test Wednesday and Thursday.
Social Studies- Students will take their states quiz on Tuesday. We will start our study of Ch. 2- Ancient Americans later this week.
Homerun Club Party: This Wednesday we will be celebrating all of our hard work, excellent behavior, and superb leaders in our room with a movie. They will get to go to any 5th grade room of their choice, and are allowed to bring in a snack and a drink of their choice. I think with this crazy busy week, they could use a brain break midway:)
Tue. 9/29 States Quiz
Wed. 9/30 Picture Day & Be There Day!
Thurs. 10/1 Science Test
Fri. 10/2 Ch. 2 Math Test
Fri., 10/2: Custodian Day-Feel free to make a card or share a small token of appreciation for our custodians Dave, John, and Cheryl.
Tue., 10/6: PTG Board Meeting 9:00-11:00 a.m.
Fri., 10/9: Family Trivia Night 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Truman Cafeteria
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Homework 9-24-15
Math Homework
From now on you need to login to get to forum so you won't need to type your name.
From now on you need to login to get to forum so you won't need to type your name.
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Monday, September 21, 2015
What's Happening in room 34 this week? 9.21-9.24

Here is what is happening in fifth grade this week...
Science- We are finishing up our on scientific investigations with our paper airplane investigations. We will be reviewing on Thursday for our first test on Tuesday, September 29th. Your child will receive a study guide tomorrow, and it will be due by this Thursday to go over. They can use their science notebook to help them study as well.
Writing- We are finishing our final revisions on their first personal narrative this week. We will have a celebration on Wednesday, and then their final narrative and writer'e checklist will go home in their writer's binder. Please take this opportunity to celebrate and reflect with them on their writing and sign the checklist by Monday the 28th. We will begin our second narrative piece on Thursday.
Reading- Our study on book clubs continues this week with a focus on interpretations of theories and what the text is truly about. They are going beyond summarizing what they read, instead they are focusing on what is the life lesson to be learned from the text. Each member is gathering and finding evidence where they can add to or change their initial thinking about the text! I am truly impressed at their level of engagement during their club meetings!
Math- Last Thursday, chapter one test went home and I could not be more proud of our mathematicians in room 34!! They put forth so much brain power on this test, I was blown away! We began chapter two, multiplying whole numbers, and this week will cover prime factorization, powers & exponents, multiplication patterns, problem solving, partial products, and the distributive property!
Our class homework is posted daily on the blog. Each day they will have two to three problems from that day's lesson, as well as a short video previewing the next day's lesson along with a couple questions.
Social Studies- We will be working on second round of stations in which they will be working on their political map of the United States, identify and describe the 4 regions of the U.S. in a Google slideshow, and meet with the teacher to discuss different types of resources. Students WILL be expected to know the location of all the states in a quiz next Wed., Sept. 30!
Every morning as we gather on the rug for our morning meeting, we are building a classroom community in which every voice is heard and respected. Each day my excitement for teaching sparks with every smile that greets me, I am so lucky to have such a vibrant and caring class. They are the reason why I LOVE my job:) Have a great week!
Friday 9. 25- No School
Tuesday 9.29 Science Test on Scientific Investigations
Wednesday 9.30 States Quiz
Wednesday 9.30 Picture Day & Be There Day!
Friday, September 18, 2015
9.18.15 Math Homework
Please click on the link to watch the video to answer the questions on above math homework link.
Exponent Video
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Monday, September 14, 2015
What is happening in room 34? 9.14 - 9.18
I hope everyone was able to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather we had this past weekend! Even though I am sad to close the pool and say goodbye to sandals, I am ready for bonfires, fall soccer games, and s'mores!!
What to expect in fifth grade this week: September 14-18
Science- This week we are working on our paper towel investigation as well as our paper airplane investigation!
Writing- We are continuing our personal narrative unit and will be setting goals, flash drafting, thinking about the heart of our story, bringing forth the story arc, and elaborating on important parts.
Reading- In reading we are continuing to raise our level of awareness as we read, and then writing and reflecting on various aspects of our independent books. We are beginning our guided reading groups as well as book clubs this week!
Math- Our Chapter 1 Test is tomorrow, Tuesday September 15th. They can go over book pages 67-69 for review. On Thursday, we will begin Chapter 2, Multiply Whole Numbers.
Social Studies- We will being focusing on natural, capital, and human resources available in the United States. We will also discuss the various regions of the United States and how they provide specific goods and services.
Genius Hour: We have started a new project, in which every Monday we will devote an hour for each student to choose a topic they are passionate about. They will write a question, research, and create a presentation. This will all be done at school, and will be an ongoing project for the first semester. Check out this video to learn more. What is genius hour?
NEWS from our PTG:
We are looking forward to seeing you at our first Parent Teacher Group meeting of the year on Tuesday. The fall party planning will be held from 6:15-7 and the general meeting will begin at 7:00. You will have a chance to hear from our new principal, Mrs. Angie Moehlmann.
September 15th Chapter One math test
September 16th Early Release
Friday, September 11, 2015
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Monday, September 7, 2015
This Week in Room 34!

This week in room 34! 9.7-9.11
I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing three day weekend. I would like to thank all the parents that were able to come to Curriculum Night! If you were not able to attend, your child should have brought a yellow sheet, The ABC's of our Classroom. I have attached it as well.
Here is what to expect this week in 5th grade...
Science- We are continuing to work hard during our first unit as scientists. This week will be participating in an evaporation investigation and a paper towel investigation. Our focus is to become familiar with the scientific method while using our scientific notebook to predict, record, and analyze our data.
Reading- I am so proud at the determination each student is bringing to our class challenge to read more than ever! We will continues to focus on the quality of our reading by using our metacognition (thinking about our thinking) to go deeper into our books. This week we will aim at noticing story elements, carrying our thinking in the text as we read on, considering perspective, and learning to think analytical!
Math- We are finishing our last lessons on place value with comparing and ordering whole numbers and decimals. We will also be preparing for our first test next Tuesday, September 15th. For a review, your child can always do the even problems from their homework pages or the practice pages within the lesson.
Social Studies- We will begin our station work with social studies this week. We will also have library and our fist visit from Mrs. Critchlow, our school councilor during this time.
The New PTG Newsletter
The PTG launched their Newsletter on Monday August 31st. The letter is sent to inform you of all upcoming meetings, events, and volunteer opportunities that the PTG sponsors. This letter should arrive to your inbox once, every two weeks.
We will also be communicating events and volunteer opportunities through SignUp Genius throughout the year.
If you are not receiving these emails, please check your junk email or blocked list. The simplest way to insure you receive these emails is to add their address to your contacts list:concordptg@gmail.com and info@signupgenius.com
If you believe that we do not have your correct email address, please contact Jennifer Abercrombie atcjabercrombie@sbcglobal.net
You can easily unsubscribe from either or both by simply going to the bottom of the email and clicking on “unsubscribe.”
- Friday, September 11:
6:30 PTG movie night at Concord-Big Hero 6 - Wednesday, September 16:
- Early Dismissal
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