Sunday, August 30, 2015

What's happening this week in room 34? Aug. 31-Sept. 4

This week in 5th grade....

Science: This week we are discussing tools that scientists use and  participating in several activities where students will classify, compare, contrast, and think like a scientist.

Writing: This week will begin our first writing unit on personal narratives. We have been busy the last week brainstorming ideas to write about and building our stamina in our "home journal". This composition notebook will go home every Tuesday and Thursday for their writing homework. They are to free write for 10 minutes.  This is a great opportunity for them to write about a topic they are passionate about, and I get a chance to get to know them even more through their writing:)

Reading: This year, 5th graders will be pushed and encouraged to read more than ever!! We will be tracking our reading by completion of books, as well as minutes read. Each student has a goal to finish up to 40 books. This is a very BIG challenge, and I  am going to cheer them on every step of the way. The entire school also has a goal, to read 1,000,000 minutes by the end of the school year. We will track the 40 book challenge in our student data binders, and the minutes in their planners. They will use the monthly view to record at least 20 minutes of reading Monday-Thursday. Parents, please sign their planner at the end of the month. They will tear this out and turn into me.

Math: We will begin our first unit on place value this week. We will focus on whole numbers through the millions.  Students will be asked to work on ALEKS ( our individual online program) every Monday and Wednesday night for 10 minutes as part of their homework.

Social Studies: We are excited this year to extend our workshop model, that we use for every other subject, into social studies. Students will collaborate in stations and small group instruction with me each week. This week we will dive into navigating our textbook, defining and understanding geography, political maps, and our states and capitals.

Curriculum Night: I hope to see you all this Thursday night from 7:00-7:30 in our classroom. I am looking forward to sharing with you the ins and outs of our classroom and what your child will experience in 5th grade!! We are going to have an amazing year!!!

Be sure to scroll down and view last weeks posts from our fabulous blog leaders, Ethan and Althea. Blog leader is just one of the many jobs applied for, by students. Everyone was hired, and each student is actively involved with our classroom running smoothly. I am simply amazed by the leaders in room 34!!!!!

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Friday, August 28, 2015

Setting Goals, Creating our Mission Statements, and Math Workshop!!!

WOW! We had such a busy Friday:) The class set personal and academic goals and made our class and personal mission statements. We finished up our math stations duiring math workshop too. During  library today, Mrs Graeff inspired us to be innovators! Our class will go to library every Friday. Have a great weekend!!!!! 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

What's happening this week in room 34? August 23-27


Welcome to our first full week of school!! I am eager to get this school year started. Our first two days were fantastic, we spent a lot of time organizing our supplies, getting to know each other, and discussing our individual and class mission statements. Our first assembly was a TON of fun, check out how great we looked in our new shirts:)
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 This week will continue to build our classroom community. Each student will apply for a job and get "hired" by me. They will be the leader of their position for two weeks, and then apply for a new job. I look forward to see how this group of amazing students take on the role of being LEADERS in and out of the classroom this school year.  I am sure they will be excellent roles models for all of Concord.

 Here is what to expect this week in room 34:

Science: We will begin setting up our science notebook, and will explore  the tools and important terminology we will be using  throughout our science investigations and activities this year.

Writing: We will begin walking through the expectations of writer's workshop and begin building our writing stamina. Ready or not, we will be writing a LOT this year. We will also be generating many ideas we can put into our notebooks.

Reading: We will be going over reader's workshop and the importance of picking a good fit book. We will begin building our independent reading stamina, and I will begin conferencing with each student about their book and how to ignite their love for reading.  In fifth grade we stress the importance of REAL reading verse FAKE reading. We want to teach our students to think while they read in order to become better readers!

Math; We will be learning the expectations during math workshop, through exploring math stations.

Social Studies; We will begin next week.

 We will start this week writing and reading at home for homework. Please ask to see your child's student planner each night for details on homework.

August 31st: LEAP begins
September 3rd: Curriculum Night, 7-7:30 in our room