Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Get ready to Gobble Gobble!

DO NOT come to school tomorrow,the day after, and Friday.Because we won't be here,and it would be a bummer to come to school and not learn! We have been working on studing for our math test
(chapters 12&13),finishing up our writing on Native Americans which will be expected to be done 
Tuesday! Have a good Turkey Day!

Monday, November 25, 2013

It's history!!!!!!!

The warm weather is just one historic item long ago.But now we are done with our weather unit in science!We did get our test back today,and we did faboulos! Soon our writing will be done and history!
In social studies we are going to share our posters! It will be history!
(REMEMBER:Tomorrow will be the last day of school this week,and homerun club so bring in a snack and drink!)

Monday, November 18, 2013

Native American Resources

Native american overview from Nicole Schaefer

Tips on Note-Taking
  • Read a section of text, pause to think about what is important, and then write your notes.
  • Consider the main ideas and supporting details as you read. A structure like boxes and bullets can help you organize your notes.
  • Instead of copying from the text, put the information in your own words. (If this is hard, don't look at the original text when recording notes.)
  • Keep track of your source so you can return later to confirm or get more information.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

A fine day in the schoolhouse!

Since we haven't blogged in a while,we will inform you.We have been learning order of operations.
(Ask child). We took our Evaulets,both reading and math.We are finishing up our writing pieces.We are planning the share them with our buddies tomorrow.We are currently learning number patterns,in math.
(PLEASE NOTE: Our principal has made an announcement that we must wear weather right clothing.
That means  long pants and possibly long sleeves.we also have 493 Adopt-A-Family items.)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Red,white,and blue

Happy Veteran's day!Hope you had a great weekend.We had a great assembly honoring our noble 
guests.We even got a special visit from a hero that served in World War 2!Hope you had a great Vetern's Day!
Rember Adopt-A-Family is still going on.(203 items,so far)-Eileen and Jordan