I could not be more proud of the "Jazzy" musical performance this past weekend! I can not believe it was their last elementary musical:( Time is going by waaaayyy to fast! Last Monday, reports card were emailed out. If you did not receive your child's, please email me back.
This is what's happening this week in room 34...
Science: On Monday they each worked on the study guide for chapter 11. Please click here to view the study guide. We went over the answers and the test will be tomorrow. We will be a short Google form test.
Writing: The student's are publishing their Research based Argument Opinion paper based on the checklist. The paper is due Thursday and we will celebrate with all of 5th grade. On Friday, we will have min debates in class.
Math: We are working on geometry (chapter 12)! We are classifying polygons, triangles, quadrilaterals, and three-dimensional figures. I am SO proud of students who are continually working on their independent ALEKS goals- to celebrate ALEKS goals from 3rd quarter, those who reached their goal will be invited to Thursday's pizza pie party. As a reminder, students are working on ALEKS in class (about an hour+ a week) and also at home for at least 20 min. a week.
Reading: We are continuing to analyze, discuss, and answer higher level questions relating to complex passages and texts as we prepare for the MAP test. We are also continuing to read for our independent reading goals. Please continue to have your child read for 20 minutes each night.
Social Studies: We will begin to look at the causes of the American Revolution.
There are still Cardinal baseball tickets for sale, please email Mrs. Creech if you are interested.
3.16: Science Test on Chapter 11
3.17: Argument Paper due
Aleks Party
3.31 Spring Conferences
4.1 Half Day, our at 11:50
4.19-5.4 MAP testing window, for information to follow
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